Life changes drastically when Mallory leaves Capitol Hill for a small town in Texas with her new husband and stepson. Mallory finds herself out of her element living on a ranch and learning how to be a wife and a mother to people she hasn't known for a long time. Her husband's new boss, Jack West, makes her uneasy, like there is something he's hiding. Mallory finds that she'll risk everything to keep her home and family safe.
The beginning of this book unfolds quickly, which keeps the story moving along. The first-person perspective is appropriate, and the humor of the narrator makes the story very conversational. She has a lot of thoughts going through her head. I like how this book didn't make the romance between Mallory and Daniel seem perfect. They were like a normal couple, full of ups and downs. While the ending of this story is conclusive, it was not as satisfying as I expected. It seemed more abrupt than expected.
This book was reviewed for Bethany House Publishers.